重要通知 | amts 2022 延期并移师至深圳举办!-凯时尊龙

重要通知 | amts 2022 延期并移师至深圳举办!

2022-05-24 09:16:024955
  【机床商务网栏目 展会快报】由励进展览(上海)有限公司主办的“第十七届上海国际汽车制造技术与装备及材料展览会(amts 2022)”及“第十五届上海国际工业装配与传输技术展览会(ahte 2022)”将延期至2022年10月12-14日并移师至深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)举办。【】


关于“第十七届上海国际汽车制造技术与装备及材料展览会(amts 2022)” 
及“第十五届上海国际工业装配与传输技术展览会(ahte 2022)”
  鉴于上海疫情防控形势,并且多个会展场馆已临时改建为“方舱医院”。为切实保障广大参展商、观众、员工及凯时尊龙的合作伙伴的安全和身体健康,经主办方审慎评估,由励进展览(上海)有限公司主办的“第十七届上海国际汽车制造技术与装备及材料展览会(amts 2022)”及“第十五届上海国际工业装配与传输技术展览会(ahte 2022)”将延期至2022年10月12-14日并移师至深圳国际会展中心(宝安新馆)举办。
  这是个艰难的抉择!但我们仍然希望尽最大努力保障展商及买家建立线下沟通的宝贵机会。依托大湾区新能源和智能汽车产业及大湾区经济亚洲辐射力,与同期举办的知名展会nepcon asia 2022,c-touch and display shenzhen 2022,automotive world china 2022共同组建16万平方米行业盛会所带来的协同效应,将会为amts和ahte的展商和观众带来全新的价值。我们相信,这将是具有非凡意义的一届行业盛会。
  因展会延期给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意。amts & ahte项目团队将密切关注疫情防控情况,并与政府相关部门、展馆各方保持沟通,全力做好展会延期至深圳的各项工作。欢迎您关注amts & ahte微信公众号,获取最新展会信息。如您需要了解更多信息,敬请与我们联络。
  十月深圳,潜力无限!再次感谢展商、观众与凯时尊龙的合作伙伴对amts & ahte展会的支持与鼓励。愿疫情早日结束,祝您和家人平安顺遂!期待与您尽快相见!

  notice on postponement of amts & ahte 2022 and relocation to
shenzhen world exhibition & convention center
  dear exhibitors, visitors and partners,
  with the pandemic situation in shanghai, and with several convention and exhibition venues in shanghai rebuilt into temporary hospitals for covid patients, to keep you safe and healthy, and upon prudent assessment by the organizer rx hengjin we have decided to postpone amts 2022 & ahte 2022, to october 12-14, 2022 and will be relocated to the shenzhen world exhibition & convention center.
  this was a difficult decision to make. however, we will do our best to facilitate face-to-face communication between exhibitors and buyers. relying on the new energy and intelligent vehicle industry of the greater bay area and impact of the greater bay area economy throughout asia, coupled with the synergy of the established rx exhibitions held at the same time including nepcon asia 2022, c-touch and display shenzhen 2022, automotive world china 2022, we will bring new value to the exhibitors and visitors of amts and ahte. we believe it will be an industry event of extraordinary significance.
  we apologize for any inconvenience that the postponement may cause. we will pay close attention to covid-19 prevention and control, maintain communication with government departments and venues, and go all out for the work concerning the postponement of the exhibition and its relocation to the shenzhen world exhibition & convention center.  for more information, please feel free to contact us.
  let’s get together in october in shenzhen which boasts full potential and vitality! thanks again for your support and encouragement to amts & ahte. may the pandemic end soon! wish you and your family safe and sound! look forward to meeting you in person as soon as possible!
  rx hengjin(shanghai)co., ltd.
  may 23, 2022



